RICHARD ALLAN HORNING has been representing technology companies in Silicon Valley, and globally, as an active participant in the Silicon Valley eco-system. He currently practices law as a member of the Emerging Growth / Venture Capital Group in the Silicon Valley office of Reed Smith LLP, a global law firm. Honored by his peers as a Northern California “IP Super Lawyer” and recognized in the International Who’s Who of Internet and E-Commerce Lawyers 2009 as the “most highly nominated lawyer in the US”, Richard has worked with a wide spectrum of international clients, from the classic “garage-based” start-up to Fortune 500 multi-nationals. He was a member of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee to the Technology Transfer Office of the University of California, San Francisco, QB3 Project, and has participated in discussion groups and workshops advising non-US governmental agencies on best practices in establishing vibrant innovation eco-systems. He is an active supporter of the Innovation for Jobs Project of IIIJ, and serves as on the advisory committee of the Africa Technology Foundation. He is a frequent speaker at international conferences in the US, Europe, India and Asia on the subject of the innovation economy and the development of entrepreneurial eco-systems. Several of these presentations can be seen on YouTube. He mentors entrepreneurs through the E2I Academy (formerly Keiretsu Forum Academy), Draper University, US Market Access, and the Virtual Accelerator. He is the founding co-chair of the annual Latitude59 Conference in Tallinn.